Monday, December 19, 2011

Unusual Day

It was an unusual day because I had no class. My Mondays at school are usually awesome, so that was unfortunate. I still went to school (not unheard of for me on days with no class).

It was an unusual day because I had three men stomp around my apartment after my landlady called the school to report that something was leaking from my 2nd story apartment onto the one below. They poked at my water heater, bathroom, kitchen sink and floor heater. They shook their heads, left without a word, came back 10 minutes later, did the same things, and then left again. Co-teacher later told me that they're going to have to replace ALL of the pipes in my apartment. 헐.

It was an unusual day because Kim Jong-Il, leader of North Korea died. What was fairly typical was the fact that no one said anything to me about it at school. I was in the teachers' office for waayyy more time than usual today, but didn't hear his name come up once. I have a feeling that when I ask teachers or students about it tomorrow, most will shrug and say something along the lines of " happened. We do not know what will happen now." One friend of mine put it like this: "Honestly, in some ways I'm not sure they have all that much reason to freak out. From their point of view it's always been kinda this weird backdrop to everything, and in all likelihood his death won't really change anything in and of itself [for them]."

It was an unusual day because after I left school I decided to sit by the window of my favorite coffee shop nearby to clear my head for a while. I saw no less than 30 of my students walk by today on their way to dinner or shopping, literally leaving the school in droves after their day-long test. A favorite 3rd year student unexpectedly joined me. It was funny, and telling, that when younger students passed and saw me, they smiled and waved. And then they saw the senior, they bowed.

For more reading on the situation with North Korea I recommend an entry byRoboseyo and anything that this blog links to (FarandAway).